Thursday, December 11, 2008

A horse...1 Kings 10:29

Many things have been added to our daily lives that weren't on the agenda. There haven't been enough hours in the day to do everything we have wanted to do...never mind all the stuff that we didn't want to do.

I've been reminded by more than one person that I need to get started on our Christmas letter. Is it December already? I suppose it is. I was contemplating what kind of photo we would include in our letter this year. Peaches the Wonder Horse has been an integral part of our Christmas photos since she joined our family over 3 years ago.
Christmas 2005

Unfortunately, Peaches won't join in on the picture this year. On Monday afternoon M found her on her side by the barn. She tried valiantly to get up, but her old stiff legs wouldn't cooperate. She was bleeding a bit from her mouth where she had broken some of her front teeth (probably in her fall). We already knew that she was close to 30 and probably wouldn't make it through the winter, but still, we weren't quite prepared to deal with situation.

I called The Man at work and asked him to make the call to the vet. Guess what? Our vet was out of town. The vet that was filling in for him was also out of town. Rather than having a vet come over from the city, the Man decided he would do the deed himself. So, after a day of trying to help people get better, The Man came home and spent another half-hour saying good-bye to Peaches while trying to see if there was any way we could help her to comfortably live longer. There wasn't.

We all shed some tears for the dear, faithful, patient horse. We feel privileged that we were able to own her the past few years. She will be missed!


Tina in CT said...

How sad to lose your dear horse Peaches. Horrible that your husband had to take care of it but at least he is a doctor and has good drugs. Poor Peaches lying there all day and I hope she wasn't suffering. Losing a loved pet is so sad.

Anonymous said...

(((((~V~ and family))))), I am so sorry for your loss.

Natalie said...

That is horribly sad! Whats with everyones pets dieing? I'm more sad that she hurt herself falling and layed hopelessly on her side than the dieing part.

Natalie said...

We are bringing the toys. But there is an assult rifle ban in NY, so we are limited as to what we can bring. But we will bring two, and they are pretty fun, the boys will enjoy the 22 at least. Looking forward to seeing you guys too!

Natalie said...

Oh, one more thing. you know how I commented...whats with everyones pets dieing? Well, its so crazy because it seems like they are. My sister-in-law's cat who was only 4 years old died lieing peacefully in his sleep last Sunday! It's so strange! Because if it, I had to get a sitter for my cats to check in on them, usually I just leave them lots of food and water. They are just cats, but that would not be cool for the one that lives if the other died at the begginning of the two weeks!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear your post. And it's been many days... we've had some obstacles keeping up around here. She was a lucky horse to have all of you! Great big hugs,

Anonymous said...

We had a similar experience just before we left for Africa. No vet around... my husband calling person after person for help. Finally a friend came and he did the deed. So grateful for that friend!!!