Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Let brotherly love continue...Hebrews 13:1

We snapped a few pictures of Baby S after her bath hair appointment tonight. Having a baby with something more than peach fuzz on the head is new territory for me.
It was really hard to get these pictures. It was!
G just kept getting in the way.
He thinks Sissy S needs lots and lots of kisses. I suppose she does.

Tomorrow we're venturing to the big cities for M's music lesson (postponed from last week) and groceries. I'm a bit apprehensive. It's been a long time since I've ventured into Costco with a newborn and toddler.


Anonymous said...

Vickie- Wow! She looks so much older than just born... she is gorgeous! OK, I'm MONTHS away from a Costco trip without husband... or even with him!! I am wishing you lots of luck, and prayers too!!

:) Karin

Tina in CT said...

What a pretty little girl! I love her patchwork girlie blanket too. I bet it was handmade.