create your own personalized map of the USA
I've visited 29 states (56%). I'm not sure New York and New Jersey really count, since JFK is all I've seen of New York. My time in NJ was spent on a tarmac while waiting for the NY weather to clear. The same for Minnesota...all I've seen of it is the airport. It looks like a Northern States tour and an East Coast excursion are in order. Of course, we need to visit Alaska and Hawaii also. Where have you been?
Um, yes. I am told by my jet setting husband that airports count. You are technically there, after all, even if you don't see much of it. You'd still count a state even if you drove through it at night, right? Same thing for in vitro traveling. ;)
You've never been to Mom and Bob's house? That's tragic. You need to plan a trip!
I've been to Amsterdam, Paris, Frankfurt, Munich, and Warsaw -- airports. Somehow I don't think that counts, but I consider it my European airport tour.
I think you should put New York at the top of your places to visit list.
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